The Super Sale is back. And it brings with it one stop and connecting flights at fares starting as low as Rs.2,999 all-in. Book between 3rd and 5th June 2014 for travel between 6th July, 2014 and 28 th March, 2015.
Hurry! The seats are filling up fast, and the time is running out!
Connections from Chennai starting at Rs.2,999 all-in:
Connections from Bengaluru starting at Rs.2,999 all-in:
Connections from Delhi starting at Rs.2,999 all-in:
Connections from Hyderabad starting at Rs.2,999 all-in:
Connections from Kochi starting at Rs.2,999 all-in:
Connections from Kolkata starting at Rs.2,999 all-in:
Connections from Mumbai starting at Rs.2,999 all-in:
Connections from Varanasi starting at Rs.2,999 all-in: